The "V inside a circle" Unicode character has been unofficially adopted by proud vegans as a vegan icon on the Internet to append to usernames and profiles on social networks and message boards, or as sort of a vegan emoji (technically not an emoji like the leaf emoji
further down) in texts, chats, posts and emails. Some incorporate it into a vegan logo, since it's recognizable and trendy. Where did it start? At least as far back as the days of Myspace vegans started tagging things with it, and it's virally spread - now known by many to be the "
Vegan V" with general public awareness of it's unofficial representation increasing daily!
Ⓥ is a Unicode character which is a superset of the ASCII character set. In 1993 Unicode 1.1 introduced enclosed alphanumerics, so there's actually a circled letter for all of the English alphabet. Unicode characters are recognized by most computers/operating environments.
Can I use / trust this on a product label?
No, not recommended. A Kosher organization (Vaad Hoeir) has long owned a similar US trademark for Kosher certification labeling. [
Screenshot] While theirs has a thicker circle and a Times New Roman type-face, the Ⓥ for labeling could potentially infringe on their mark (ask a trademark attorney) and many manufacturers appear unaware.
If you see a V inside a Circle, look for the word Vegan as well, or check the ingredients.
Where can Ⓥ be pasted and displayed?
Just about any device, OS, and computer will display it because Unicode is included in most character sets.
accepts the Ⓥ symbol as part of your bio and display name but not your actual twitter handle (@username).
as of ~2013 no longer allows Ⓥ in a facebook personal name or page name (there's some lucky ones grandfathered in but may not be able to update their name without losing it).
However, it is accepted elsewhere: in a FB Group's name, any Page's various details (bio, description, summary, etc) and in Facebook posts, comments and image descriptions.
Allows Ⓥ in display names, bios and photo descriptions and comments.
will accept Ⓥ in your display name (but not @username), video titles, descriptions and comments.
Allows Ⓥ as part your name and elsewhere.
will accept Ⓥ in video titles but it will convert it to a regular V if you include it in your display name.
- Ⓥ can be use in the Subject/Title and Body as well as in the Sender's name but it can not be part of an email address.
Here's a few ways and shortcuts (see our new browser toolbar addon!) to obtain the Ⓥ!
Incorporate it into your profiles, posts, email subjects, or websites.
How can I type
on my keyboard using the ALT code?
Unfortunately you can't. Alt+Num only works for the original Ascii character set, not Unicode characters. You will find other pages claiming you can use ALT + 9419 on the number pad (or worse, ALT + 24CB), however this will not work and result in this Ascii symbol: ╦
The solution? Use our bookmarket below!
Copy Ⓥ Browser Bookmark Toolbar Button
1 sec "bookmarklet" install: In any Desktop browser, Click & Drag this here:
Copy Ⓥ
up to your browser's "bookmark bar" and our handy Javascript will turn it into an
instant copy button you can then use while on any website or platform!
Don't see a bookmark bar? Show / Hide it with CNTRL+SHIFT+B (hold Cntrl key & hold Shift key while you then press your B key.) If you want to offer our Bookmarklet on your website, then give us credit with a "follow" link. A lot of time was spent creating and testing the javascript for this original idea.
Bookmarklet's are essentially bookmarks that contain custom javascript code.
Wikipedia: Bookmarklet
Vegan? Lets show our numbers and share this page!
Seedling Vegan Emoji
The "seedling emjoi" which appeared in 2010, is to date the most popular
emoji used to represent veganism or vegan items, for the same reason a leaf or leaves are classicly incorporated into vegan marks and logos.
Please note that it does not strickly represent "vegan" and is used by people in posts related to eco-friendly, growing, seeding, nature, etc.
The emjoi, like most emojis, is often displayed by a platform in their own version, which takes presidece over the operating system's version.
For example,







Be aware that emojis can be copyrighted by their respective creators and likely they are. If you want to use one of the above images in commercial work, you should check with the company that made it. For example EmojiOne

offers details on theirs
(Seedling emoji)
Copy 🌱 Seedling Browser Bookmark Toolbar Button
1 sec "bookmarklet" install: In any Desktop browser, Click & Drag this here:
Copy 🌱
up to your browser's "bookmark bar" and our handy Javascript will turn it into an
instant copy button you can then use while on any website or platform!
Don't see a bookmark bar? Show / Hide it with CNTRL+SHIFT+B (hold Cntrl key & hold Shift key while you then press your B key.) If you want to offer our Bookmarklet on your website, then give us credit with a "follow" link. A lot of time was spent creating and testing the javascript for this original idea.
Bookmarklet's are essentially bookmarks that contain custom javascript code.
Public Domain Vegan Logo by Woodcutter
This fantastic vegan logo was created by the graphic designer
Woodcutter who proclaims it as 100% free. This graphic was actually part of a wingdigs font Woodcuter made that we
include further down, and we converted the font to an SVG vector, however at high resolution it appeared a bit jagged so we added additional nodes and tweaked some others, to smooth out the edges a bit. This is currently our favorite vegan logo. If you find it useful, he does accept donations. Visit
Public Domain Vegan Logo by Bearnd
This vegan logo / clipart was generously marked by it's creator (
2) with a
Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Public Domain License. See
also. It is completely free to use or reproduce, free of all intellectual property rights (even for commercial purposes) and does not require attribution. Any use of it would be acceptable including incorporating it into a vegan logo.
Public Domain Vegan Clipart - Ambigramm
This vegan image is an
ambigramm, it reads the same forwards and backwards! It has a
Creative Commons Zero 1.0 Public Domain License. (
2) It is free of all intellectual property rights (even for commercial purposes) and does not require attribution.
This would make a great vegan tattoo on your wrist as it would read "vegan" to you and anyone viewing it from the other side.
Public Domain Clipart - Animal Liberation, Human Liberation
There's nothing more vegan than animal liberation and this fantastic "fist and paw" symbol represents it brilliantly. People are animals too, and most people who go vegan also awaken to the many systemic and niche instances of human subjectification as well. This has long been presumed by many to be Public Domain, and whomever created it I imagine wouldn't argue that it should be reproduced far and wide.
Free Wingdings Vegan Font & Vegan Labels
This is the first and only vegan font set we've come across! Think of it as a vegan dingbats / wingdings font. Designed by
Woodcutter, he designates it as 100% free. You will find various leafs and veggies, a 100% organic icon, a 100% vegan icon, a cruelty-free icon, a no dairy icon, a vegan food icon, among others that could be used as a vegan label on products and menus or incorporated into graphics for your websites. Our favorite icon of the bunch we extracted, cleaned up, and turned into a SVG vector image that we posted
further up on this page. We'll likely do this for a few others in this set, in the future. What do you do with a TTF file? Download it and then right click on the file and select Install. This will add it to your available fonts to use in your word or graphics program. Use the chart below to find out which letter/number/symbol corresponds with which icon.
Check out our other project! - Vegan Podcasts, Youtube Shows and Recipe Blogs!
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